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Showing posts from September, 2019

Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Capital and Leadership

Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Capital and Leadership Hiiii how’s it going? in today’s   post I’m gonna give you guys a summary about Emotional intelligence, psychological capital and leadership. Hope this helps! Emotional Intelligence   According to Dr Goleman, ’emotional intelligence is defined as a set of skills or competencies, which provide human resource professionals, managers, and anyone in the world of work, with a comprehen­sive tool to define, measure and develop emotional skills’. Emotional intelligence can also be defined as the capacity to recognize our own feelings and those of others for motivating ourselves and managing emotions well in our social interactions. For most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately

EQ (Emotional Quotient)

Hi guys!! How's it going? I used to write this blog in Bahasa but now I'm gonna change it to English or maybe Englonesian (English-Indonesian) The reason why I change it to English is because I want to improve my English skill :P English is not my mother tongue, please excuse any errors on my part I will try my best. What is EQ/ Emotional Quotient? For most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately to them. Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better understand, empathize and negotiate with other people — particularly as the economy has become more global. Otherwise, success will elude us in our lives and careers. “Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other pe


Hi guys!! How's it going? I used to write this blog in Bahasa but now I'm gonna change it to English or maybe Englonesian (English-Indonesian) The reason why I change it to English is because I want to improve my English skill :P English is not my mother tongue, please excuse any errors on my part I will try my best. What is Mindfulness? Are you supposed to clear your mind, or focus on one thing? Here's the Mindful definition of Mindfulness. Mindfulness. It’s a pretty straightforward word. It suggests that the mind is fully attending to what’s happening, to what you’re doing, to the space you’re moving through. That might seem trivial, except for the annoying fact that we so often veer from the matter at hand. Our mind takes flight, we lose touch with our body, and pretty soon we’re engrossed in obsessive thoughts about something that just happened or fretting about the future. And that makes us anxious. Mindfulness is the basic human ability t

Psychological Capital

Psychologycal capital Assalamualaikum para pembacaaa…. Apa kabar??? Saya harap para pembaca dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia hihihi Pada blog kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang Psychologycal Capital (PsyCap) Semoga bermanfaat J Apasih psychological capital itu??? Sebelum kita membahas tetang PsyCap, mari kita bahas tentang apa itu Psikologi.. Psikologi di definisikan sebagai studi ilmiah mengenai perilaku dan proses mental. Perilaku adalah yang kita lakukan dan dapat di amati secara langsung. Proses Mental adalah pikiran, perasaan, dan motif yang kita alami yang kita amati namun tidak biasa di amati  secara lansung (Laura A. king, 2014) Psychological capital diartikan sebagai kondisi positif pada indivdu yang jauh dari gambaran “putus asa dan kesulitan” dalam lingkup organisasi (Nelsoon & Cooper, 2007). Psychological capital dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kompetisi dalam mencapai keuntungan organisasi dengan melihat potensi penuh dari sumber daya man